Dear Lover,

LOVE is many things: the protective love of a mother for her child, the passion of a couple newly in love, the deep love of long-term companions, and the divine love of God, to name just a few.

What is Love? Who can define or explain the concept or thing called Love?

Is it that butterfly-like movement feeling in our bowel could that be Love? 

Why am I feeling this way?

Why does it feel right at the beginning with;

Plenty of calls

Plenty of care,

Different pet names,

Enough time to gist for hours unending

And the longing to spend time together, Why does all that niceness fade away all of sudden?

Does love die with time or does it go away with time? Why can't that feeling be forever?

But wait a bit...

Why is it that only a few of us seem to be lucky with this mystery called love?

'Love' is a four-letter word but of the respectable variety describing a human emotion. Everybody wants it, seeks it, and hopes for it but some are incapable of giving it; some doubt its existence, others are just confused and still, others accept substitutes for the real thing. Often we find ourselves arguing about it, implying the possibility that love just means different things to different people. So while we all agree that love is desirable, very important, worth having, and so on, our discussions of it reveal all kinds of inconsistencies in our understanding.

Nothing is as cruel as being in love with the wrong person.

Imagine investing your whole emotions, time, and energy with the wrong person?

Imagine Loving a person who doesn't value you or respect you at all.

Imagine loving someone who often makes you feel that they are doing you a favor with a relationship

Imagine loving someone who makes you doubt your very existence and trample on your self-esteem

Imagine being in love with someone who abuses you verbally, emotionally, and physically and still makes you apologize.

Imagine loving someone who doesn't believe in you or believes that you are good at anything.

Imagine loving someone who often keeps malice with you for days unending, without telling you your offense (s).

The list is unending but the effect is damaging.

But the major question is, is that person bad? Or is she/he just not right for you?

Can you know when the person is right for you? Is love meant to be one-sided?

Are we meant to enjoy love or endure the process?

What does it mean to love someone?

Here are my thoughts!!!

 If someone loves you there are certain traits to watch out for:

1.       They recognize and acknowledge your differences instead of trying to change you.

No matter how much you and your partner share, you're different people, so you won't feel the same way about everything. Someone who loves you will accept your ideas and feelings as part of who you are. This is where compromising for each other comes in, why completely change for someone and lose your identity in the process; please note I am not talking about wrong character and attitude. Constantly work on your character and attitude, but I am talking about those traits that make you attractive to others.

2. They communicate easily with you.

Love requires open, honest communication. This doesn't mean sharing every thought you have. Everyone has some private feelings, and there's nothing wrong with keeping these to yourself.

Someone that truly loves you will easily communicate how they feel about a particular issue without insulting your personality or your person.

3.       They protect you from any form of harm, including from them.

There will not make you cry or feel bad just to prove a point. Even in the midst of heated arguments, he or she will still pass his message in love. Someone that loves you will not make you walk on egg shell around them. Your security and comfort are more important to them than proving a point.

4.       You know you can collaborate or compromise

Conflict doesn't necessarily make a relationship unhealthy, but the way you handle it does make a difference. I believe that a healthy relationship is often catalyzed by little conflicts because the parties involved are not pretending.

An attitude of "my way or the highway" does not suggest a loving relationship. Someone who loves you won't look at you with contempt, insist they're in the right, or refuse to hear you out.

In healthy relationships, both partners work together to find solutions for areas they could improve, such as communication or intimacy.

5.       Does he trust you enough to tell you stuff? 

Do you have his/her ear? They will not keep secrets from you no matter how bad. Secondly, there is fidelity; the person won't cheat on you. Trust is the bedrock of every authentic loving relationship. If they can’t trust you then they don’t deserve you.

6.        They can easily define the reason why they are in love with you. 

When someone can not pinpoint why they are with you, it is a big red flag...

7.        A person that truly loves you is incapable of keeping malice with you for days unending... 

There is something about your voice that he/she wants to hear. The person misses your company and wants to amend whatever the issue is. She/he doesn't wait for you to apologize first. A person in love is a peacemaker.  If you are the one always apologizing, always the first to call after an augment, the first person to call after days of no communication especially when you are innocent.

My guy check am... E be like you are in love with yourself. She/he is not into you yet...

8.       They want the best for you.

Love doesn't always mean "together forever." Someone who truly loves you will let you go once it becomes clear your relationship has run its course. Love isn't all or nothing, and with time, romantic love may transform into a lasting friendship.

Remember, true proof of love is to let it go, if it is meant for you it will definitely come back. If you force it to work, you will keep forcing it to work. There is always someone willing to treat you like a Queen and King, never settle for less, because you have known him or her for years, and your happiness and growth are more important than temporary loneliness and lonely nights.

Dear Beautiful, how do you know the right person? Next episode …

I love you

Mr.C Cares….