My dearest, on this day we celebrate,

Your spirit, your beauty, your strength so great.

A woman of substance, of courage and grace,

Whose presence brings light to every place.

Your heart so pure, it radiates love,

A gift from above, sent from the heavens above.

Your soul so beautiful, it shines so bright,

A beacon of courage and resilience

With your head held high, you face every challenge,

Your strength and your will, forever to manage.

Your determination, an unwavering force,

A guiding light on life's tumultuous course

Your spirit soars like an eagle in flight,

A symbol of freedom, of power, and might.

You stand up for what you believe in,

A voice for the voiceless, a hope for the beaten.

On this International Women's Day,

I celebrate you in every single way.

Your spirit soars like an eagle in flight,

You stand up for what you believe in,

A voice for the voiceless, a hope for the beaten.

So let us raise a glass to this lady so dear,

Her spirit shining so bright and clear.

A woman of strength, forever standing tall.

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