Have you ever Considered these questions?

1. What really is love? How can we define it?

2. Is it in how we feel about the person you are with? Or the little butterfly in our stomach?

3. What is Love? How do you know when you are in Love?

4. What is the formula for finding this true love if truly it exists?

5. Why is it that everyone is looking for it, yet only few people has succeeded in finding it?

Love is the most abused word in the history of mankind. Wars have stared and ended because of the word “Love”.

Many Songs and Movies have been written about you oh dear Love. Yet only few people Understand you.

Why does love and hatred co-habit in lips? How can someone profess love to someone and still hurt them?

What is Love to you?

I feel it is a mixture of emotions, behaviours, and beliefs associated with strong feelings of affection, protectiveness, warmth, and respect for another person.

There has been much debate and questions about whether love is a choice, a feeling or a decision, is it something that is permanent or fleeting, and whether the love between family members and spouses is biologically programmed or culturally indoctrinated.

Love may vary from person to person and culture to culture. Each of the debates about love may be accurate in some time and someplace. For example, in some instances, love may be a choice while in others it may feel uncontrollable.

Valentine is around the corner, many people will have different conception about love and what it means to them.

Humanity has long been fascinated – and immensely troubled – by the conflict between our noblest ideals and the most urgent and exciting demands of our sexual nature.

But can we consider this for a moment?

  • Is true love about physical attraction (Sex) only?

  • Is it about how someone smells or looks or what they drive?

If it is about Sex, anybody can get laid without been loved.

Hello Pretty Lady, any guy that claims you should sleep with him to prove how much you love them is a beast, he is probably telling the same bullshit to three other ladies.

Hello Handsome, if you love me you have to spend on me to prove your love. It is a lie... The lady is a fraud.

But Wait a minute… What is the currency that buys true Love? Where does it come from? How can we find it?

To be continued….