Dear Lover,

I have a story for you today.

I know Love, at first sight, is something that is highly debatable. Whether you believe in it or not is not the topic for today, but this is my story.

Do you believe in Love at first sight? What is your take on it?

The LOVE Story…

David was a top consultant in his field, and he was based in Abuja. He had built a reputation for excellence, and his clients trusted him implicitly. He was a master of his craft, and he took great pride in his work. He was always professional, focused, and determined, and he expected the same from his colleagues. But he had always been a bit of a lone wolf. He was content with his own company

One day, David was asked to work on a project in Lagos, Nigeria. He had never worked in the city before, and he was excited about the opportunity. He arrived in Lagos and was introduced to his team, after a brief meeting with the team, every people kept talking about this Office manager, He had heard a lot about her from his colleagues, but he didn't know what to expect.

When she walked into the office, he was stunned. Everything stopped for a moment. Her smile is like that of the most beautiful girl in the Nigeria; she walks as if the ground is at her command.

Oh poor David was immediately struck by Nneka's intelligence, her wit, and her work ethic. She was unlike anyone he had ever met before, and he found himself drawn to her immediately. This is strange because he wasn’t easily impressed.

Nneka was a woman of extraordinary beauty. She had long, flowing hair the color of spun gold, and her eyes sparkled like the most precious of gems and when she look at David it pisses into his soul, Her skin was smooth and flawless, like a Egyptian models  and she moved with a grace and elegance that drew the eye.

But it wasn't just her physical beauty that made Nneka so captivating. She had a spirit that was just as radiant as her appearance.

She was also incredibly intelligent and wise something that David found rare in a woman. She had a quick mind and a thirst for knowledge which tunes David mumu button, and she was always seeking to learn more about the world and the people in it. She had a way of seeing things from multiple perspectives, and she was a great listener and problem-solver always finding a way to do it

Nneka was a woman of great beauty and character, and she left a lasting impression on everyone she met. She was a beacon of light in a sometimes dark world, and her legacy of kindness, compassion, and strength is nest to none.

David knew right away that he was helplessly sold to Lady.  David the workaholic has fallen.

As they worked together, David and Nneka quickly became close, inseparable. They had a natural chemistry, and they worked well together. They laughed and joked, and they challenged each other to be better. Nneka saw a part of David no one knows. Though Nneka, sees David as more like a mentor she can learn a lot from because of his experience but David was impressed by Nneka's intelligence and her dedication to her work, and he admired her for her professionalism and her loyalty.

Nneka, for her part, was equally impressed by David. She had never met anyone like him before. He was confident, intelligent, and focused, and she found herself drawn to him even more. She appreciated his professionalism and his work ethic, and she admired him for his accomplishments.

Nneka had been in a long-term relationship for several years, but she couldn't help but feel a connection to David. This Love ehee…

As they continued to work together, David and Nneka grew closer. They spent more time together, and they talked about everything under the sun. They shared their hopes and dreams, and they confided in each other about their fears and insecurities despite their age difference. They were comfortable around each other, and they felt like they had known each other for years.

One day, as they were working on a project, David found himself unable to hold back his feelings any longer. He confessed his love to Nneka, telling her how much he admired her and how much he wanted to be with her. Nneka was taken aback not because of what she heard alone but never thought a man Like David will find her that attractive and she always thought he is married, he has everything going for him, so she was also flattered. She had always respected David and admired his work, and she had also felt a connection to him. And had thought how nice it will be to start an amazing romantic relationship with her. But…

But as much as Nneka was attracted to David, she was also in a serious relationship with someone else. She had been with her boyfriend for a couple of years. Nneka cared deeply for her boyfriend, and she didn't want to hurt him. She told David that she couldn't be with him, no matter how much she might want to.

David was disappointed, but he was also a gentleman. He respected Nneka's decision, and he didn't want to come between her and her lover. Despite how much he cared and feels for her. They continued to work together, but David knew that he had to keep his feelings in check.

As the months went by, David and Nneka's relationship remained strictly professional and platonic, though they knew they cared for each other deeply. They continued to work together on various projects, and they remained close friends. David never forgot about his feelings for Nneka, but he also knew that he had to respect her boundaries.

But then, one day, everything changed. Nneka's boyfriend got a job offer in another city, and he asked her to move with him. Nneka was torn. She loved her boyfriend, but she also loved her job and her colleagues in Lagos. She didn't know what to do.

That's when David stepped in. He knew how much Nneka loved her job, and he also knew how much she loved him. He offered to help her find a job in Abuja so that she wouldn't have to leave. Nneka was touched by David's kindness, and she realized how much he cared for her even more.

However, things changed when Nneka's relationship Started experiencing troubles, her boyfriend was uneasy with her work, and David was there for her, encouraging her on what to do. Then the unthinkable happened….

To Continue….

What do you think happened to Nneka? Kindly drop your comment in the section below.

Remember true love still exists, give it is chance, please….

I love You.

Mr. C… Cares...